Alăturat în 16 Mai 2009
Hi! 2 Answer Barceloneanu
alâxire- Spanish No sé en que estado se ubica la Wikipedia arrumana. Yo soy el que mas articulos ha esribido, unos 4500, y no solo eso, también he subido unas 250 imagenes para esta wikipedia. Creo que el arrumanian como el romanian necesitan mas consideración y no es justo que la wikipedia hungarian tenga mas articulos que la romanian, es por eso que tambien he dado muchos articulos en la wikipedia romanian, unos 3000 articulos y unas 100 imagenes. Quiero que alguien me enseñe mas arromanian para poder contribuir mas pero yo tengo mucho trabajo ahora y no tengo tiempo de casi nada.
Gracias por haberte conocido, atentamente Barceloneanu. Barcelona, 18 de Maig de 2009.
- English I do not know what state it is located arromanian Wikipedia . I'm the one who has more articles writed about 4500, and not only that, I've also uploaded about 250 images for this wikipedia. I think the romanian and arrumanian need more consideration and is not fair that the hungarian wikipedia has more joints than the romanian, that is why I have too many items in the romanian wikipedia, some 3000 articles and 100 images. I want someone to teach me more arromanian to be able to contribute more but I have a lot of work now and I have no time for almost anything.
Thanks for having known --Barceloneanu 09:24, 18 Mai 2009 (UTC) carefully. Barcelona, 18 Maig 2009.